Kolonica conference - V4 Astro-tourism EN

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Project conference - Stakcin, Kolonica 8-9th September 2016.

The third project meeting was held in Slovakia,  in the House of Culture in Stakcin and at Kolonica, at the Astronomical Observatory.

8th September- I conference day

At the morning, participants of the meeting visited the Park Dark Sky "Poloniny", several villages in its area and meeting employees of the National Park Poloniny.

After lunch was the first part of the conference "Astrotourism as a chance for the development of non-industried regions."
During the presentation, participants of the conference showed how activities conducted in the dark sky parks can help to the development of the region, increasing income of its residents and to create new businesses and jobs.

9 września- II dzień konferencji

Druga część konferencji projektowej pt. "30 lat obserwatorium astronomicznego na Kolonickim sedle"odbyła się w Obserwatorium Astronomicznym na Kolonickim i była poświęcona doświadczeniom partnera projektu- Wihorlackiego Obserwatorium Astronomicznego w propagowaniu i rozwojaniu astronomii i astroturystyki.

A press conference for the media was held after official part of the conference.

Was shot a short film about the project and astrotuourism, which was broadcast on regional television.

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