Project 'Citizens of Sambor have a voice'
Our projects
The project "Citizens of Sambor have a voice - a pilot edition of the participatory budget in the city of Sambor ".
The project "Citizens of Sambor have a voice - a pilot edition of the participatory budget in the city of Sambor " was implemented in Ukraine, in the Lviv region in the city of Sambor.
The aim of the project
The aim of the project was to strengthen local self-government and democracy based on dialogue and public consultation, and to practically develop the habits of Sambor city residents in co-determining the spending of part of the local government budget. The project contributed to an increase in the involvement of Sambor residents in solving the problems of the local community and their active and effective inclusion in public life, through participation in the development and implementation of a participatory budget in cooperation with the local government.
The project was aimed at representatives of Sambor's local administration, in particular officials dealing with budget issues and cooperation with civil society, representatives of local NGOs, local communities and youth organizations.
Implementation of the project included 3 stages:
Stage I Introduction to the assumptions of participatory budgeting - the informational and educational part
included: preparatory work in Rzeszów and Sambor, press and information conference, training for representatives of local government and NGOs in the planning and implementation of the civic budget, visit of a group of representatives of local government, NGOs and local leaders in Rzeszów, development of a guide to the implementation of the civic budget containing examples of the model of participatory budgets in Europe, sample investments financed from the civic budget, stages of the creation of the participatory budget, starting from the submission of applications by residents, verification of projects and voting until the announcement of the results and monitoring of the degree of implementation of selected tasks.
Stage II Development of a model of activities and carrying out a pilot edition of the civic budget - the practical part included:
Developing a model of participatory budget and conducting a pilot edition and implementation of a project selected by Sambor residents.
Stage III Presentation of the results of civic activities included
Roundtable in Sambor - presentation of the results of the pilot edition of the participatory budget with the participation of representatives of partner cities of Sambor. and a study visit to Cherkasy of the working group on participatory budget in Sambor.
Publication about the project.

The project was co-financed by the Polish-Canadian Democracy Support Program.